If you have any problems or enquiries at all, please call us on 01736 362 191 and we will be happy to help
Morrab Studio in Penzance. Supplying quality gifts since 1950.
T (01736) 362 191
Email: sales@morrabstudio.co.uk
Morrab Studio, Morrab Road
Penzance, Cornwall TR18 2QU
Established near Valencia, Spain in 1953 by the three Lladró Brothers; 'Lladró Porcelain' became well regarded as manufacturers of fine porcelain figurines within a few years.
All boxed in original Lladró branded boxes.
Authorised Retailer in the UK.
Saving up to off! £15.00 off!
(37.50%) on RRP (£40.00)
Saving up to off! £15.00 off!
(37.50%) on RRP (£40.00)
Saving up to off! £15.00 off!
(37.50%) on RRP (£40.00)
Saving up to off! £15.00 off!
(37.50%) on RRP (£40.00)
Saving up to off! £15.00 off!
(37.50%) on RRP (£40.00)