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Morrab Studio in Penzance. Supplying quality gifts since 1950.
T (01736) 362 191
Email: sales@morrabstudio.co.uk
Morrab Studio, Morrab Road
Penzance, Cornwall TR18 2QU
The wide bowl of this glass makes it great for infusing the drink with gin and garnish flavours, plus it lets you smell the aromas to complete the tasting experience. The elegant stem keeps hands from warming the ice so you can enjoy your G&T at its best.
Add a generous amount of ice and swirl to chill the glass. A stack of ice melts more slowly than a few cubes and is less likely to dilute the drink.
Use a curl of citrus rind (lime or lemon) or a slice if preffered. Different gins may call for different garnishes to complement their particular botanicals.
Now pour a good measure of your favourite gin before adding tonic to taste.