If you have any problems or enquiries at all, please call us on 01736 362 191 and we will be happy to help
Morrab Studio in Penzance. Supplying quality gifts since 1950.
T (01736) 362 191
Email: sales@morrabstudio.co.uk
Morrab Studio, Morrab Road
Penzance, Cornwall TR18 2QU
Hanni dangling lamb is 25 cm tall and cream in colour. Her legs move and she loves it when you stroke her slightly shiny, wonderfully thick, fluffy plush coat. She has a typical lamb’s face, which is beautifully accentuated with big eyes and an airbrushed mouth, nose and corners of the eyes. The ears – one of which comes with a stainless steel “Button in Ear” – can be explored by touch... The designers at the Steiff workshop have excelled themselves!