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Morrab Studio in Penzance. Supplying quality gifts since 1950.
T (01736) 362 191
Email: sales@morrabstudio.co.uk
Morrab Studio, Morrab Road
Penzance, Cornwall TR18 2QU
Teddies for Tomorrow Boecky lamb measures 35 cm tall and loves to frolic in the autumn breeze. He has a PET-polyester fibre filling and a cosy plush coat made from recycled PET bottles. His expressive face is made of short-pile, beige plush and features pink and brown airbrushing – matching his brown eyes, dainty feet and distinctive lamb ears. These are pink on the inside, beautifully shaped and the left one comes with the unmistakable stainless steel "Button in Ear". It's a point of honour!
Size: 35cm
Colour: whisper white
Material: made of cuddly soft plush (recycled PET bottles)
Filling: 100% polyester (stuffed with PES fibres made from recycled PET bottles)
Eyes: with safety eyes
Button: with stainless steel "Button in Ear"
Washability: machine washable at 30 °C
'Best for Kids' Collection